
Do you as parents ever encounter the challenge of putting the children to sleep? Most kids, at one point or another, make a fuss about going to sleep. Sometimes it’s because they’re having too much fun being awake, sometimes they are afraid to go to sleep and sometimes they’re just feeling too energetic – either way, having trouble putting the young ones to sleep is a widespread problem.

If all of this sounds familiar, this list might just be for you – four ways to make bedtime simple!

#1 Make the nighttime transition a gradual one

Sometimes kids have trouble falling asleep because they’re just not physically ready yet – after an exciting and fun day, night came around all of the sudden but their bodies haven’t realized it yet. You can try and ease this transition for them.

During the evening do quieter, low-key activities which don’t involve running around or energizing video games.
Have some quiet time pre-bed time: reading a book together, watching a relaxing video on YouTube, such as TuTiTu’s own Airplane song!

#2 Create a familiar and steady routine

Routine is something all children need – and younger ones need it bigtime. Get your kid used to a steady nighttime routine as early as possible (even when they’re so young you don’t think they even understand). Evenings should have the same order every night – for instance dinner, shower, reading time and then off to sleep.

To help make this clear you can even create a chart together as a fun, creative crafts projects. You can draw the different stages of getting ready for bed and refer to them while doing it every night.

#3 Give them some control, but monitored

One way to ease resistance and fussy behavior is to make your child feel like they’re not just following your orders but are part of the decision making, too. If they’re old enough, you can purchase an alarm clock (not one of those horrible buzzing ones, though… those are traumatizing even for adults) and let them be in charge of setting it every night.

You can also ‘negotiate’ on bedtime pampering. They’re allowed to call you back for one more hug or one more glass of water if they want to – but no more.


#4 Make them feel safe and secure

If your toddler’s nighttime problems are caused by fear of monsters or nightmares, the best way to solve them are by being honest and supportive. Don’t make up a story about chasing the monsters away but rather reassure them that while nightmares really can be scary, they’re not real, and no harm will ever come to them.

Teach them to trust your protection and care and you’ll have a fuss-free bedtime on your hands. If you want more tips and advice about dealing with monsters under the bed, we’ve got a special article especially for you.

Do you use any other interesting methods to make bedtime easier? Tell us in the comments!

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