
Recycling should be an important part of everyone’s lives by now, but how do you instill the importance of it in children? Teaching kids to recycle is not easy – it involves science that’s not intuitive, it involves tasks with results you can’t necessarily see for yourself and so on.

But it is important, after all. We at TuTiTu are big believers in taking care of our planet, and that’s why this week we’ve gathered some great information sources for you that will help you and your little ones learn about going green. Start the journey in the right foot with TuTiTu’s songs for kids…

…and now let’s get down to business!

#1 National Geographic Kids
Nat Geo Kids has some great interactive ways for children to learn about recycling while having fun. Here you have games, detailed activity ideas and articles on the subject. Sit down with your kids and this website and have a great time learning about earth and how to protect it.

#2 Clean Air Kids
Another valuable source of information is Clean Air Kids. Our favorite part was the information sheets – if your kids love science, just open these up to learn about global warming, the ozone layer and more. There are also cute games and puzzles to further get the point across.

#3 Science Kids
Speaking of science, the great website Science Kids has a whole area devoted to recycling. Here you can check out some really cool experiments using recycled items, watch videos to learn about the basics of recycling and about how to do your part, test your knowledge with recycling quizzes and more.


#4 NASA’s Climate Kids
Did you know NASA has a whole website just for kids on the subject of earth and how to take care of it? It’s great, too. You can play games, find instructions for loads of cool craft projects, learn about eco-friendly careers and of course find a whole lot of information to answer any question your might have about recycling.

#5 Color Me Good
And last but not least, Color Me Good! If you’ve had enough of games, info pages and science experiments check out this page and download some lovely recycling-themed coloring pages for your children. Color it together and discuss what each image is portraying and how you can learn from it and improve your own efforts to helping the planet.

How do you teach YOUR kids about recycling and going green?

Give us your tips in the comments below and please SHARE this article on Facebook so that everyone else can enjoy it too!