
Everyone knows ‘its takes a village’ to raise a child – but the truth is a great big library is helpful, too. Sometimes as parents we feel like we need all the tips we can get. Parenting is a challenge and if you can hear about it from people who studies the subject, surely that can help!

The trouble is there are as many parenting tips as there are parents in the world, and too much information can start to get confusing after a point. That’s why we’ve compiled this list for you: the top seven parenting books you need to read to get all the info and tips that will help you be the best parent you can.

First thing’s first

What to Expect When You’re Expecting by Heidi Murkoff and Sharon Mazel – This one is a classic, no doubt. It’s one of the most iconic parenting and pregnancy books ever, read by millions around the world, and for good reason – it will answer all your pregnancy questions and help you get prepared for the big change coming to your life soon.

The Baby Book by William Sears et al – Another early-parenting classic that’s been around for ages. This one is good for the next step: so the pregnancy part is over, now what? The Baby Book focuses on all the essentials of taking care of your baby and giving him or her everything they need to help them develop.

Learning to parent

1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children 2-12 by Thomas W. Phelan – Keeping the baby fed, rested and alive is great but it’s only enough for the initial stage. Once their personality begins to develop you need to find your way to do another kind of parenting. Kids need to be disciplined to help them grow up and become adults, and this book offers a tried and true technique that will help you discipline without yelling and arguing endlessly.

How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish – Still on the same topic, this bestselling book will help you navigate successfully through your relationship with your children and open up new ways of communication to benefit them, you, and the whole atmosphere in the house.

On being smart

Einstein Never Used Flash Cards by Kathy Hirsh-Pasek and Roberta Michnick Golinkoff – Teaching your kids to learn is another important aspect of parenting. After all, you want them to develop the cognitive skills that will help them do well in school and in life. This clever book goes back to basic and, backed by scientific research, teaches you about children’s learning process (and has great exercise ideas too!)

The Whole-Brain Child by Daniel J. Siegel – Another one on the subject of the mind. Siegel’s guide focuses on emotional intelligence, teaching parents about their kids’ development, how to deal with fight and tantrum and how to turn every challenge into an opportunity for growth and every interaction into a meaningful step on the way to a healthy emotional life.

The frosting on top

The Baby and Toddler Cookbook by Karen Ansel and Charity Ferreira – To wrap things up, we take a break from heavy reading and turn to something much more basic: food! This delicious book has all the best recipes you need to give your little ones a healthy, nutritious and wholesome start to life. Recipes are easy to make and real ‘kid pleasers’. A win-win.

What’s your favorite parenting book?

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